Tags archives: siciliainvasa2014

Postcards From Caltagirone

Caltagirone's Highlands left me behind, I head to the enchanted village that overlooks the valley. The sun had first colored hills and valleys, gives way to a gray blanket of clouds and suddenly wraps Caltagirone in a gloomy atmosphere. So, the San Francesco bridge becomes romantic poetry singing me stories of yearning and impossible love ... The churches, t[...]

Caltagirone Shoes

From Dolce & Gabbana Spring Summer 2014 collection a unique and valuable ambassador of the historic ceramics of Caltagirone, not just a pair of shoes but a masterpiece where fashion, art, culture and tradition meet. The wedge heel, made of a mixture of resin and then painted according to the method used by Sicilians ceramists, seems incredibly ceramic! H[...]


Continua la mia escursione lungo la Falce di Messina e questa volta partendo dall'ex stazione di degassifica Smeb, l'ecomostro in tecnicolor protagonista del post ARCHEOLOGIA INDUSTRIALE, mi sono spinta lungo la costa della penisola di San Raineri per giungere in uno dei luoghi più affascinanti e misteriosi di Messina : La Lanterna del Montorsoli. Il faro, u[...]