Author archives: Camelia Scaglione

Autumn Romance

“I think this symbol means that whoever has a passion or a dream can make it come true. You have to go and look for it, not all of us have the good luck to make it in our home town.” Here's another Sicilian name destined to belong to the Made in Italy Olympus who I’ve been a fan of for a few years. He's from Donnalucata, a small village in the south of Si[...]

Fashion’s Iconic Movie Moments Competition Diary

10-19-15 8,30 pm WoW! I'm happy! Sono felice ! I just received an email from Farfetch inviting me to take part in the Fashion' Icon Movie Moments contest… There's just one small problem: 
Ho appena ricevuto una mail da Farfetch che mi invita a partecipare al contest Fashion's Icon Movie Moments ... Ho solo un piccolo problema : I found the email t[...]

Sicilian Love And Other Stories

Catania School of Fine Arts, transforming an old farm into a hotbed of ideas and cultural synergies where past, present and future are interwoven to tell a new Sicilian love story. Balarte is the fruit of the collaboration between an enlightened ownership, the designer of the hotel, architect Sergio Adamo and the young architects from the Academy and the cre[...]