Monthly archives:March 2014


Partendo da Taormina e percorrendo 4 km di ripida salita si giunge  in un piccolo borgo arroccato in cima ad un promontorio a picco sul mar Jonio. La stupenda terrazza, pavimentata di pietra lavica black and white, offre un panorama mozzafiato che spazia dallo stretto di Messina al maestoso Etna. Il cuore del paese è la pittoresca piazza del Duomo più simile[...]

EYE TO EYE #obsessed

A post-industrial landscape with a waste container at the center of the scene, the gorgeous Porta Grazia, rare and precious example of Sicilian Baroque in Messina and the Kenzo magic eye are the protagonists of these pictures taken on a sunny Sunday spent among "shopping and shooting" with my dear and crazy friends Mr. Ernesto and Robbie thefabulousnobody.n[...]


This time the Kenzo magic eyes alight on a very much fashion bridge that's Santa Trinita Bridge. Along with Ponte Vecchio Santa Trinita Bridge connects the Oltrarno to the heart of Florence and is a must-see catwalk that leads directly into the Via Tornabuoni, the most elegant luxury shopping location in Florence. At the end of the bridge does the honors at [...]